Large Healthcare System Upgrades from TDM to IP Communication

NVT Phybridge Case Study: Healthcare System

A large not-for-profit healthcare system supporting multiple medical centers, critical access hospitals, and medical clinics across the Northwestern U.S. wanted to upgrade its TDM-based voice systems to IP. The limited functionality of the older systems meant communicating was hard work for staff, patients, and suppliers. NVT Phybridge changed all that with the IP-enabling, plug-and-play PoLRE® switch.


The customer needed to move from an aging yet reliable TDM voice system to a converged, unified IP platform that would provide better communication and collaborative capabilities across multiple departments, facilities, and locations. But to implement the new technology, the customer first needed to establish an IP infrastructure to support it. Faced with the costly, time-consuming, and complex process of ripping/replacing/rebuilding each location’s CAT3 infrastructures with Ethernet was daunting. Additionally, extensive power and cooling upgrades were required in hundreds of IDF closets to support even more standard reach PoE switches. The massive, disruptive, and expensive TDM/CAT3 to IP technology refresh left the customer frustrated and uncertain how to proceed, forcing the project to be delayed indefinitely.


The customer discovered NVT Phybridge. Within minutes of learning about the PoLRE® (Power over Long Reach Ethernet) switch, the Sr. IT Director and Project Lead signed up for a no-cost/no-obligation hands-on trial on the main premise. The results were immediate and far exceeded the customer’s expectations. In just a few simple setup steps, the PoLRE switch, with SmartPathPoE technology, created the full VoIP and PoE capabilities needed – leveraging the established TDM infrastructure backbone. PoLRE’s long-reach capabilities completely eliminated the costs, disruption, and labor to upgrade the IDF closets. The customer was now able to move quickly to its new UC/Collaboration solution, fully powered and IP-enabled with the NVT Phybridge PoLRE switches.


This healthcare customer was able to smoothly and flawlessly modernize over 900 phones across 10 buildings with almost no business disruption, and saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in the process. “The NVT Phybridge PoLRE solution allowed us to achieve our project goals at a significantly reduced cost, all while maintaining call quality and pleasing our end-users,” said the Sr. IT Director. Delighted with the PoLRE IP modernization experience, the customer has recommended the solution to many in the same situation. He added, “Well, you know when something comes along, and it just works, how can you not pass that good news on to others? We want companies in the same predicament as we were to know there is a simpler way to modernize to IP. And that’s with NVT Phybridge PoLRE switches. We could not be happier with our new solutions.”

If you have an upcoming IP/IoT modernization project, we would love to help! Click below to book a one-on-one meeting with one of our Digital Transformation Consultants.

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